YOUTH COURAGE – You are part of the solution! (YOUTH COURAGE)

Datum začetka: 02.05.2022
Rok za oddajo: 31.05.2025
Nosilna organizacija: Jugend am Werk Steiermark GMBH

prof. dr. Mitja Krajnčan


The YOUTH COURAGE project aims to reactivate marginalised youth who has lost contact to their support system during the COVID pandemic. The project results are the answer to find out about the current situation the European youth outside of formal school settings and the challenges that have risen during the times of COVID. In a second step, the supporting professionals are equipped with up-to-date and relevant methodologies to outreach and connect with the marginalised young people and help them to reclaim their confidence and personal and civil courage. Furthermore, the young people should be sensitised that they have power and can contribute to their social environment as active citizens who take on responsibility for themselves as well as for their community for example in health (e.g. responsibility for mental health, vaccine rate and herd protection), empowerment and inclusion (e.g. gender and ethnic identity, pride), mobility (e.g. visibility, ownership of public space, sport activities) and solidarity (social and civic activities, volunteering, participation. Finally, the project will share insights from the practical youth field and the situation after the pandemic, offer the methodological instruments for further studies on bigger scales and provide recommendations for policy makers on local, regional, national and EU level.
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